       <name>ALPINE RACER 2(アルペンレーサー2)</name>
       <!--xml作成:FM大王 -->
       <driver type = "system22">namco</driver>
           <option name = "pcm_mix" value = "0x80"/>
           <option name = "pcm_size" value = "0x1000000"/>
       <romlist archive = "alpinr2b">
           <rom type = "code" offset = "0x000000">ars2data.8k</rom>
           <rom type = "bios" offset = "0x000000">ars2data.8k</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x000000">ars1wavea.2l</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x400000">ars1wavea.2l</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x800000">ars2waveb.1l</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0xc00000">ars2waveb.1l</rom>
           <title code = "0x80">Aerial Life[Actual Version]</title>
           <title code = "0x70">Beyond the Canyon</title>
           <title code = "0x72">Aerial Life</title>
           <title code = "0x74">Anythin' Goes...</title>
           <title code = "0x7a">Reach to the Sky</title>
           <title code = "0x76">Kaz's Boogie</title>
           <title code = "0x78">Chasin' the Insanity</title>
           <title code = "0x7c">Get Damn It!</title>
           <title code = "0x81">Earth Works</title>
           <title code = "0x03">BGM 00</title>


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最終更新:2007年07月13日 23:57