       <name>GRADIUS 3(グラディウスⅢ ‐そして伝説へ‐)</name>
       <!--xml作成:nekoma -->
       <driver type = "gradius3">konami</driver>
       <romlist archive = "gradius3">
           <rom type = "code" offset = "0x00000">945_m05.d9</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x00000">945_a10.b15</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x40000">945_l11a.c18</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x60000">945_l11b.c20</rom>
           <title code = "0x48">COIN</title>
           <title code = "0x8c">OPENING            :Prelude Of Legend</title>
           <title code = "0x89">POWER TYPE SELECT  :Invitation</title>
           <title code = "0x80">空中戦 1           :Departure For Space</title>
           <title code = "0x81">STAGE 1            :Sand Storm</title>
           <title code = "0x83">BOSS               :Dark Force</title>
           <title code = "0x85">STAGE 2            :Aqua Illusion</title>
           <title code = "0x86">STAGE 3a           :In The Wind</title>
           <title code = "0x99">STAGE 3b           :Underground</title>
           <title code = "0x9f">BIGGINER CLEAR     :Congratulation</title>
           <title code = "0x97">STAGE 4            :High Speed Demention</title>
           <title code = "0x84">STAGE 5            :Easer Stone</title>
           <title code = "0x98">空中戦 2           :Try To Star</title>
           <title code = "0x9b">SRAGE 6            :Dead End Cell</title>
           <title code = "0x9d">STAGE 7            :Fire Scramble</title>
           <title code = "0x8b">STAGE 8            :Cosmo Plant</title>
           <title code = "0xa0">空中戦 3           :Departure For Space ?</title>
           <title code = "0x82">STAGE 9            :Crystal Labyrinth</title>
           <title code = "0x8d">STAGE 10a          :Gradius Boss</title>
           <title code = "0x8e">STAGE 10b          :Salamander Boss</title>
           <title code = "0x95">STAGE 10c          :Gradius2 Boss</title>
           <title code = "0x8a">STAGE 10d          :Mechanincal Base</title>
           <title code = "0x9c">STAGE 10e          :Final Shot</title>
           <title code = "0x9a">ESCAPE             :Escape To The Freedom</title>
           <title code = "0x9e">ENDING             :Return To The Star</title>
           <title code = "0x87">GAMEOVER           :GAMEOVER</title>
           <title code = "0x88">RANKING            :king Of kings</title>
           <title code = "0x8f">MEDLEY             :A Long Time Ago</title>
           <title code = "0x93">SECRET STAGE Aa    :Salamander STAGE 1</title>
           <title code = "0x92">SECRET STAGE Ab    :Salamander BOSS_B</title>
           <title code = "0x90">SECRET STAGE Ba    :Famicom 空中戦</title>
           <title code = "0x91">SECRET STAGE Bb    :Famicom STAGE1</title>
           <title code = "0x96">SECRET STAGE Bc    :Famicom BIG CORE</title>
           <title code = "0xa1">????1              :?</title>
           <title code = "0x94">????2              :GRADIUS2</title>
           <title code = "0x50">VOICE "DOBBLE"</title>
           <title code = "0x51">VOICE "LASER"</title>
           <title code = "0x52">VOICE "MISSILE"</title>
           <title code = "0x53">VOICE "MULTIPLE"</title>
           <title code = "0x54">VOICE "FORCE FIELD"</title>
           <title code = "0x55">VOICE "2WAY"</title>
           <title code = "0x56">VOICE "SHIELD"</title>
           <title code = "0x57">VOICE "SPEED UP"</title>
           <title code = "0x58">VOICE "DESTROY THEM ALL"</title>
           <title code = "0x59">VOICE "DESTROY THE CORE"</title>
           <title code = "0x5a">VOICE "DESTROY THE EYE"</title>
           <title code = "0x5b">VOICE "DESTROY THE MOUSE"</title>
           <title code = "0x5c">VOICE "DESTROY THE CHEST"</title>
           <title code = "0x5d">VOICE "WARNING"</title>
           <title code = "0x5e">VOICE "????"</title>
           <title code = "0x5f">VOICE "????"</title>
           <title code = "0x60">VOICE "WAAAA..."</title>
           <title code = "0x61">VOICE "AAA..."</title>
           <title code = "0x62">VOICE "UAA..."</title>
           <title code = "0x01">SE1</title>
           <title code = "0x02">SE2</title>
           <title code = "0x03">SE3</title>
           <title code = "0x04">SE4</title>
           <title code = "0x05">SE5</title>
           <title code = "0x06">SE6</title>
           <title code = "0x07">SE7</title>
           <title code = "0x08">SE8</title>
           <title code = "0x09">SE8</title>
           <title code = "0x0a">SE9</title>
           <title code = "0x0b">SE10</title>
           <title code = "0x0c">SE11</title>
           <title code = "0x0d">SE12</title>
           <title code = "0x0e">SE13</title>
           <title code = "0x0f">SE14</title>
           <title code = "0x10">SE15</title>
           <title code = "0x11">SE16</title>
           <title code = "0x12">SE17</title>
           <title code = "0x13">SE18</title>
           <title code = "0x14">SE19</title>
           <title code = "0x15">SE20</title>
           <title code = "0x16">SE21</title>
           <title code = "0x17">SE22</title>
           <title code = "0x18">SE23</title>
           <title code = "0x19">SE24</title>
           <title code = "0x1a">SE25</title>
           <title code = "0x1b">SE26</title>
           <title code = "0x1c">SE27</title>
           <title code = "0x1d">SE28</title>
           <title code = "0x1e">SE29</title>
           <title code = "0x1f">SE30</title>
           <title code = "0x20">SE31</title>
           <title code = "0x21">SE32</title>
           <title code = "0x22">SE33</title>
           <title code = "0x23">SE34</title>
           <title code = "0x24">SE35</title>
           <title code = "0x25">SE36</title>
           <title code = "0x26">SE37</title>
           <title code = "0x27">SE38</title>
           <title code = "0x28">SE39</title>
           <title code = "0x29">SE40</title>
           <title code = "0x30">SE41</title>
           <title code = "0x31">SE42</title>
           <title code = "0x32">SE43</title>
           <title code = "0x33">SE44</title>
           <title code = "0x34">SE45</title>
           <title code = "0x35">SE46</title>
           <title code = "0x40">SE47</title>
           <title code = "0x41">SE48</title>
           <title code = "0x42">SE49</title>
           <title code = "0x43">SE50</title>
           <title code = "0x44">SE51</title>
           <title code = "0x45">SE52</title>
           <title code = "0x46">SE53</title>
           <title code = "0x47">SE54</title>
           <title code = "0x49">SE55</title>
           <title code = "0x4a">SE56</title>
           <title code = "0x4b">SE57</title>
           <title code = "0x4c">SE58</title>
           <title code = "0x4d">SE59</title>
           <title code = "0x4e">SE60</title>
           <title code = "0x4f">SE61</title>
           <title code = "0xa2">SE62</title>


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最終更新:2007年02月18日 16:16