       <name>DETANA! TWINBEE(出たな!ツインビー)</name>
       <!--xml作成:nekoma -->
       <driver type = "053260">konami</driver>
           <option name = "ram_addr" value = "0xf000"/>
           <option name = "pcm_size" value = "0x100000"/>
           <option name = "opm_addr" value = "0xf800"/>
           <option name = "pcm_addr" value = "0xfa00"/>
       <romlist archive = "blswhstl">
           <rom type = "code" offset = "0x0000">060j01.f3</rom>
           <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x000000">060e04.d1</rom>
           <title code = "0x17">VOICE "まいどー"</title>
           <title code = "0x91">出たなツインビー           :タイトルデモ</title>
           <title code = "0x8b">メル王女からのメッセージ   :スタートデモ</title>
           <title code = "0x80">風の贈り物                 :1ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x83">雲海を越えて               :2ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x82">天空の要塞ラピュタ         :3ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x84">World of the Mold          :4ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x81">水上の行進                 :5ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x85">イーバの神殿               :6ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x86">霧の向こうのパラダイス     :7ステージBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x87">イーバ星人の攻撃           :ステージBOSS</title>
           <title code = "0x88">来るなら来いっ             :3.4ステージBOSS</title>
           <title code = "0x8c">ありがとう!ツインビー     :ステージクリア</title>
           <title code = "0x92">イーバの帝王脳味噌昆虫     :最終ボスBGM</title>
           <title code = "0x8e">惑星メルに平和が戻る日     :エンディング</title>
           <title code = "0x8a">Let's try again            :ゲームオーバー</title>
           <title code = "0x90">Congratulations            :ランキング</title>
           <title code = "0x23">VOICE "ツインビー行きまーす"</title>
           <title code = "0x24">VOICE "ウィンビー行きまーす"</title>
           <title code = "0x33">VOICE "やったぁ!"</title>
           <title code = "0x34">VOICE "ヤッタネ!"</title>
           <title code = "0x19">VOICE "イテッ!"</title>
           <title code = "0x1a">VOICE "スピードアップ"</title>
           <title code = "0x1b">VOICE "ツイン砲"</title>
           <title code = "0x1c">VOICE "3WAY"</title>
           <title code = "0x1d">VOICE "ぶんしーん"</title>
           <title code = "0x1e">VOICE "ばりあ"</title>
           <title code = "0x1f">VOICE "しっぽばりあ"</title>
           <title code = "0x28">VOICE "スピードダウン"</title>
           <title code = "0x29">VOICE "ぼくグインビー"</title>
           <title code = "0x2a">VOICE "イテ!2"</title>
           <title code = "0x35">VOICE "ラッキー!"</title>
           <title code = "0x3a">VOICE "ガッチンコ!"</title>
           <title code = "0x36">VOICE "ゲロゲロ!"</title>
           <title code = "0x37">VOICE "えーん"</title>
           <title code = "0x38">VOICE "やーん"</title>
           <title code = "0x39">VOICE "イテッ!3"</title>
           <title code = "0x01">SE1</title>
           <title code = "0x02">SE2</title>
           <title code = "0x03">SE3</title>
           <title code = "0x04">SE4</title>
           <title code = "0x05">SE5</title>
           <title code = "0x06">SE6</title>
           <title code = "0x07">SE7</title>
           <title code = "0x08">SE8</title>
           <title code = "0x09">SE9</title>
           <title code = "0x0a">SE10</title>
           <title code = "0x0b">SE11</title>
           <title code = "0x0c">SE12</title>
           <title code = "0x0d">SE13</title>
           <title code = "0x0e">SE14</title>
           <title code = "0x0f">SE15</title>
           <title code = "0x10">SE16</title>
           <title code = "0x11">SE17</title>
           <title code = "0x12">SE18</title>
           <title code = "0x13">SE19</title>
           <title code = "0x14">SE20</title>
           <title code = "0x15">SE21</title>
           <title code = "0x16">SE22</title>
           <title code = "0x18">SE23</title>
           <title code = "0x20">SE24</title>
           <title code = "0x21">SE25</title>
           <title code = "0x22">SE26</title>
           <title code = "0x25">SE27</title>
           <title code = "0x26">SE28</title>
           <title code = "0x27">SE29</title>
           <title code = "0x2b">SE30</title>
           <title code = "0x2c">SE31</title>
           <title code = "0x2d">SE32</title>
           <title code = "0x2e">SE33</title>
           <title code = "0x2f">SE34</title>
           <title code = "0x30">SE35</title>
           <title code = "0x31">SE36</title>
           <title code = "0x32">SE37</title>
           <title code = "0x3b">SE38</title>
           <title code = "0x3c">SE39</title>
           <title code = "0x3d">SE40</title>
           <title code = "0x3e">SE41</title>
           <title code = "0x3f">SE42</title>
           <title code = "0x40">SE43</title>
           <title code = "0x41">SE44</title>
           <title code = "0x42">SE45</title>


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最終更新:2007年02月18日 16:09