研究課題:Subject to study

あらゆるものから学べ! 直感的に描くために,形状と物事についての巨大な図書館を頭の中に構築する必要がある.

Study everything! You need to build a large library of shapes and things in your head to be able to draw intuitively.
This takes about a lifetime or more to do, so you better start now!

人体構造 - あなたが知っておかなければいけない最も重要なことの一つ。怪物でさえ、人体構造の形跡があるものだ。

Human anatomy - One of the most important things you need to know. Even monsters have traces of human anatomy.
-The whole body. Use photos, anatomy books, statues or real people.
-The face is the thing we look at first. If you misplace a line just a bit the whole expression of the face will change. Make studies of photos, your friends or yourself.
-The hands are also important (and hard) to learn.
-The feet can be tricky too, not because of the shapes, but because you need to plant the character on the ground so it doesn't look like it's falling over or the ground is leaning.
-Daily clothing. It's important to learn how cloth wrinkles, how different types of cloth looks and fits.

身振りと姿勢 - さまざまな,新規性のあるアイディアを持っておくこと.いくつかの異なったスタイルを学んでおくことは良い考えである.
-マーヴル(Marvel 訳注:アメリカの出版社).マーヴルの芸術家たちはどうやって人体を線で表している? 細かい部分を,どれだけ大切に描いているか,単純化して描いているか.
-モデスティ・ブレイズ(Modesty Blaise)や他の写実的なコミック形式.黒と白の階調(gradient)だけで描くことは容易なことではない.


Gestures & styles - You need to be diverse and get fresh ideas. Learning some different styles can be a good idea.
-Draw from life using your friends or people at a cafe, a bus or somewhere. How does a person pose when he opens a door, reaches for his keys, and looks intimidated by an artist?
-Marvel. How does the Marvel artists represent the human body with lines? What details are important and what is simplified?
-Modesty Blaise, or some fairly realistic comic style. Drawing gradients with just blacks and whites isn't easy.
-Manga or a style you like. Again, how does the artist convert the human anatomy into lines and color blobs? What parallels can you draw between the different styles?

環境 - あなたのキャラクターをある環境においたらそれが本当に生き生きしてくる.これは私自身が確実に学ばねばならないことである.

Environments - Putting your character in an environment really brings it alive. This is something I definitely need to learn myself.
-Landscapes with fields, mountains or whatever.
-A dense forest or a jungle.
-An urban or industrial 'landscape'.
-An indoor setting, like a room with furniture. Boring, I know. To be honest I haven't done this yet.

動物図鑑を持ってくる - そしていくつかの動物を描いてみなさい.怪物をデザインする良い手法は動物の一部を別の動物に変化させることだ,

Fetch an animal book - ...and draw some animals. A good way to design a monster is to morph different animals into one.
-All living things. Mother nature have spent millions of years perfecting the designs, so you better study them.
-Horses, Cats, Dogs, birds. These are especially important since they are more commonly seen.

機械 - 機械も,描く練習をする必要がある.それはロボットや,復讐狂の惑星破壊用人型決戦兵器*1たちを描く時に役に立つだろう.

Machinery - You also need to practice drawing machinery. It can be useful when designing robots and planet-smashing vengeance-crazed battle droids.
-Cars of different models.
-Digging and working machinery.
-Military vehicles.

古典的な静物 - あるいは基本的には何でも.それらは単純な形状をしているので一般的な描画と彩色のやり方を学ぶのに適している.あまり形状を写し取ることに必死にならず,むしろその材質に集中すること.

Classical still life objects - Or basically anything. Good for learning how to draw and paint in general, because of the simple shapes. You won't have too struggle much the shapes and can concentrate more on the materials.
-Flowers, fruit, skeletons, sculpts, chunks of wood, rusty metal parts.

This page is translated from the original text. Original author is Arne Niklas Jansson - 2005 & 2007.

And this page is licensed under Creative Commons.

  • 校閲しました -- aki426 (2008-10-23 20:36:30)

最終更新:2009年06月07日 10:58


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*1 planet-smashing vengeance-crazed battle droids