
mp4box」(2012/08/30 (木) 13:59:22) の最新版変更点



#contents() **mp4box -h MP4Box [option] input [option] -h general general options help -h hint hinting options help -h import import options help -h encode encode options help -h meta meta handling options help -h extract extraction options help -h dump dump options help -h swf Flash (SWF) options help -h crypt ISMA E&A options help -h format supported formats help -h rtp streamer help -nodes lists supported MPEG4 nodes -node NodeName gets MPEG4 node syntax and QP info -xnodes lists supported X3D nodes -xnode NodeName gets X3D node syntax -snodes lists supported SVG nodes -snode NodeName gets SVG node syntax -languages lists supported ISO 639 languages -quiet quiet mode -noprog disables progress -v verbose mode -version gets build version **General Options -inter time_in_ms interleaves file data (track chunks of time_in_ms) * Note 1: Interleaving is 0.5s by default * Note 2: Performs drift checking accross tracks * Note 3: a value of 0 disables interleaving -old-inter time same as -inter but doesn't perform drift checking -tight performs tight interleaving (sample based) of the file * Note: reduces disk seek but increases file size -flat stores file with all media data first, non-interleaved -frag time_in_ms fragments file (track fragments of time_in_ms) * Note: Always disables interleaving -ffspace size inserts free space before moof in fragmented files -out filename specifies output file name * Note: By default input (MP4,3GP) file is overwritten -tmp dirname specifies directory for temporary file creation * Note: Default temp dir is OS-dependent -no-sys removes all MPEG-4 Systems info except IOD (profiles) * Note: Set by default whith '-add' and '-cat' -no-iod removes InitialObjectDescriptor from file -isma rewrites the file as an ISMA 1.0 AV file -ismax same as '-isma' and removes all clock references -3gp rewrites as 3GPP(2) file (no more MPEG-4 Systems Info) * Note 1: some tracks may be removed in the process * Note 2: always on for *.3gp *.3g2 *.3gpp -ipod rewrites the file for iPod -psp rewrites the file for PSP devices -brand ABCD[:v] sets major brand of file, with optional version -ab ABCD adds given brand to file's alternate brand list -rb ABCD removes given brand from file's alternate brand list -cprt string adds copyright string to movie -chap file adds chapter information contained in file -rem trackID removes track from file -enable trackID enables track -disable trackID disables track -new forces creation of a new destination file -rem trackID removes track from file -lang [tkID=]LAN sets track language. LAN is the ISO 639-2 code (eng, und) -delay tkID=TIME sets track start delay in ms. -par tkID=PAR sets visual track pixel aspect ratio (PAR=N:D or "none") -name tkID=NAME sets track handler name * NAME can indicate a UTF-8 file ("file://file name" -itags tag1[:tag2] sets iTunes tags to file - more info: MP4Box -tag-list. -split time_sec splits in files of time_sec max duration * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media -split-size size splits in files of max filesize kB. * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media -split-chunk S:E extracts a new file from Start to End (in seconds) * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media -group-add fmt creates a new grouping information in the file. Format is a colon-separated list of following options: refTrack=ID: ID of the track used as a group reference. If not set, the track will belong to the same group as th e previous trackID specified. If 0 or no previous track specified, a new alternate grou p will be created switchID=ID: ID of the switch group to create. If 0, a new ID will be computed for you If <0, disables SwitchGroup criteria=string: list of space-separated 4CCs. trackID=ID: ID of the track to add to this group. *WARNING* Options modify state as they are parsed: trackID=1:criteria=lang:trackID=2 is different from: criteria=lang:trackID=1:trackID=2 -group-rem-track ID removes track from its group -group-rem ID removes the track's group -group-clean removes all group information from all tracks -ref id:XXXX:refID adds a reference of type 4CC from track ID to track refID -dash dur enables DASH-ing of the file with a segment duration of DU R Note: the duration of a fragment (subsegment) is set using the interleaver (-inter) s witch. Note: You can specify -rap switch to split segments at RA P boundaries -frags-per-sidx N sets the number of segments to be written in each SIDX box If 0, SIDX box is not used -segment-name name sets the segment name for generated segments If not set (default), segments are concatenated in output file -segment-ext name sets the segment extension. Default is m4s -url-template uses UrlTemplate instead of explicit sources in segments. Ignored if segments are stored in the output file. **Hinting Options Hinting Options -hint hints the file for RTP/RTSP -mtu size specifies RTP MTU (max size) in bytes. Default size is 145 0 * Note: this includes the RTP header (12 bytes) -copy copies media data to hint track rather than reference * Note: speeds up server but takes much more space -multi [maxptime] enables frame concatenation in RTP packets if possible maxptime max packet duration in ms (optional, default 100ms) -rate ck_rate specifies rtp rate in Hz when no default for payload * Note: default value is 90000 (MPEG rtp rates) -mpeg4 forces MPEG-4 generic payload whenever possible -latm forces MPG4-LATM transport for AAC streams -static enables static RTP payload IDs whenever possible * By default, dynamic payloads are always used MPEG-4 Generic Payload Options -ocr forces all streams to be synchronized * Most RTSP servers only support synchronized streams -rap signals random access points in RTP packets -ts signals AU Time Stamps in RTP packets -size signals AU size in RTP packets -idx signals AU sequence numbers in RTP packets -iod prevents systems tracks embedding in IOD * Note: shouldn't be used with -isma option -add-sdp string adds sdp string to (hint) track ("-add-sdp tkID:string") or movie. This will take care of SDP lines ordering -unhint removes all hinting information. **Importing Options Importing Options File importing syntax: "#video" "#audio" base import for most AV files "#trackID=ID" track import for IsoMedia and other files "#pid=ID" stream import from MPEG-2 TS ":dur=D" imports only the first D seconds ":lang=LAN" sets imported media language code ":delay=delay_ms" sets imported media initial delay in ms ":par=PAR" sets visual pixel aspect ratio (PAR=Num:Den) ":name=NAME" sets track handler name ":ext=EXT" overrides file extension when importing ":hdlr=code" sets track handler type to the given code point (4CC) ":disable" imported track(s) will be disabled ":group=G" adds the track as part of the G alternate group. If G is 0, the first available GroupID will be picked. ":fps=VAL" same as -fps option ":agg=VAL" same as -agg option ":par=VAL" same as -par option ":dref" same as -dref option ":nodrop" same as -nodrop option ":packed" same as -packed option ":sbr" same as -sbr option ":sbrx" same as -sbrx option ":ps": same as -ps option ":psx": same as -psx option ":ovsbr": same as -ovsbr option ":mpeg4" same as -mpeg4 option ":font=name" specifies font name for text import (default "Serif") ":size=s" specifies font size for text import (default 18) ":stype=4CC" forces the sample description type to a different value !! THIS MAY BREAK THE FILE WRITING !! ":chap" specifies the track is a chapter track ":profile" forces the profile for the H.264 content - high444, high, extended, main, baseline *WARNING* wrong value may cause playback issue ":compat" forces the profile compatibity flags for the H.264 content *WARNING* wrong value may cause playback issue ":level" forces the level for the H.264 content *Note: If value < 6, interpreted as decimal expression ":vidformat" forces the video_format flag in VUI for the H.264 content - component, pal, ntsc, secam, mac, undef ":fullrange" forces the video_full_range_flag in VUI for the H.264 cont ent - on, off ":colorprim" forces the colour_primaries flag in VUI for the H.264 cont ent - bt709, undef, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m, film ":transfer" forces the transfer_characteristics flag in VUI for the H. 264 content - bt709, undef, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m, linear log100, log316 ":colmatrix" forces the matrix_coefficients flag in VUI for the H.264 c ontent - GBR, bt709, undef, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m, smpte240m , YCgCo ":layout=WxHxXxY" specifies the track layout - if W (resp H) = 0, the max width (resp height) of the tracks in the file are used. - if Y=-1, the layout is moved to the bottom of the track area - X and Y can be omitted (:layout=WxH) -add file add file tracks to (new) output file -cat file concatenates file samples to (new) output file * Note: creates tracks if needed -force-cat skips media configuration check when concatenating file !!! THIS MAY BREAK THE CONCATENATED TRACK(S) !!! -keep-sys keeps all MPEG-4 Systems info when using '-add' / 'cat' -keep-all keeps all existing tracks when using '-add' * Note: only used when adding IsoMedia files All the following options can be specified as default or for each track. When specified by track the syntax is ":opt" or ":opt=val". -dref keeps media data in original file -no-drop forces constant FPS when importing AVI video -packed forces packed bitstream when importing raw ASP -sbr backward compatible signaling of AAC-SBR -sbrx non-backward compatible signaling of AAC-SBR -ps: backward compatible signaling of AAC-PS -psx: non-backward compatible signaling of AAC-PS -ovsbr: oversample SBR * Note: SBR AAC, PS AAC and oversampled SBR cannot be d etected at import time -fps FPS forces frame rate for video and SUB subtitles import FPS is either a number or expressed as timescale-increm ent * For raw H263 import, default FPS is 15 * For all other imports, default FPS is 25 !! THIS IS IGNORED FOR IsoMedia IMPORT !! -mpeg4 forces MPEG-4 sample descriptions when possible (3GPP2) For AAC, forces MPEG-4 AAC signaling even if MPEG-2 -agg N aggregates N audio frames in 1 sample (3GP media only) * Note: Maximum value is 15 - Disabled by default **MPEG-4 Scene Encoding Options MPEG-4 Scene Encoding Options -mp4 specify input file is for encoding. -def encode DEF names -sync time_in_ms forces BIFS sync sample generation every time_in_ms * Note: cannot be used with -shadow -shadow time_ms forces BIFS sync shadow sample generation every time_ms. * Note: cannot be used with -sync -log generates scene codec log file if available -ms file specifies file for track importing Chunk Processing -ctx-in file specifies initial context (MP4/BT/XMT) * Note: input file must be a commands-only file -ctx-out file specifies storage of updated context (MP4/BT/XMT) LASeR Encoding options -resolution res resolution factor (-8 to 7, default 0) all coords are multiplied by 2^res before truncation -coord-bits bits bits used for encoding truncated coordinates (0 to 31, default 12) -scale-bits bits extra bits used for encoding truncated scales (0 to 4, default 0) -auto-quant res resolution is given as if using -resolution but coord-bits and scale-bits are infered **Meta handling Options Meta handling Options -set-meta args sets given meta type - syntax: "ABCD[:tk=ID]" * ABCD: four char meta type (NULL or 0 to remove meta) * [:tk=ID]: if not set use root (file) meta if ID is 0 use moov meta if ID is not 0 use track meta -add-item args adds resource to meta * syntax: file_path + options (':' separated): tk=ID: meta adressing (file, moov, track) name=str: item name mime=mtype: item mime type encoding=enctype: item content-encoding type * file_path "this" or "self": item is the file itself -rem-item args removes resource from meta - syntax: item_ID[:tk=ID] -set-primary args sets item as primary for meta - syntax: item_ID[:tk=ID] -set-xml args sets meta XML data * syntax: xml_file_path[:tk=ID][:binary] -rem-xml [tk=ID] removes meta XML data -dump-xml args dumps meta XML to file - syntax file_path[:tk=ID] -dump-item args dumps item to file - syntax item_ID[:tk=ID][:path=fileName ] -package packages input XML file into an ISO container * all media referenced except hyperlinks are added to fil e **Extracting Options Extracting Options -raw TrackID extracts track in raw format when supported -raws TrackID extract each track sample to a file * Note: "TrackID:N" extracts Nth sample -nhnt TrackID extracts track in nhnt format -nhml TrackID extracts track in nhml format (XML nhnt). * Note: "-nhml +TrackID" for full dump -single TrackID extracts track to a new mp4 file -avi TrackID extracts visual track to an avi file -qcp TrackID same as '-raw' but defaults to QCP file for EVRC/SMV -aviraw TK extracts AVI track in raw format $TK can be one of "video" "audio" "audioN" -saf remux file to SAF multiplex -dvbhdemux demux DVB-H file into IP Datagrams * Note: can be used when encoding scene descriptions -diod extracts file IOD in raw format when supported **Dumping Options Dumping Options -std dumps to stdout instead of file -info [trackID] prints movie info / track info if trackID specified * Note: for non IsoMedia files, gets import options -bt scene to bt format - removes unknown MPEG4 nodes -xmt scene to XMT-A format - removes unknown MPEG4 nodes -wrl scene VRML format - removes unknown VRML nodes -x3d scene to X3D/XML format - removes unknown X3D nodes -x3dv scene to X3D/VRML format - removes unknown X3D nodes -lsr scene to LASeR format -diso scene IsoMedia file boxes in XML output -drtp rtp hint samples structure to XML output -dts prints sample timing to text output -sdp dumps SDP description of hinted file -dcr ISMACryp samples structure to XML output -dump-cover Extracts cover art -dump-chap Extracts chapter file -ttxt Converts input subtitle to GPAC TTXT format -ttxt TrackID Dumps Text track to GPAC TTXT format -srt Converts input subtitle to SRT format -srt TrackID Dumps Text track to SRT format -stat generates node/field statistics for scene -stats generates node/field statistics per MPEG-4 Access Unit -statx generates node/field statistics for scene after each AU -hash generates SHA-1 Hash of the input file **SWF Importer Options SWF Importer Options MP4Box can import simple Macromedia Flash files (".SWF") You can specify a SWF input file with '-bt', 'xmt' and '-mp4' options -global all SWF defines are placed in first scene replace * Note: By default SWF defines are sent when needed -no-ctrl uses a single stream for movie control and dictionary * Note: this will disable ActionScript -no-text removes all SWF text -no-font removes all embedded SWF Fonts (terminal fonts used) -no-line removes all lines from SWF shapes -no-grad removes all gradients from swf shapes -quad uses quadratic bezier curves instead of cubic ones -xlp support for lines transparency and scalability -flatten ang complementary angle below which 2 lines are merged * Note: angle '0' means no flattening **ISMA Encryption/Decryption Options ISMA Encryption/Decryption Options -crypt drm_file crypts a specific track using ISMA AES CTR 128 -decrypt [drm_file] decrypts a specific track using ISMA AES CTR 128 * Note: drm_file can be omitted if keys are in file -set-kms kms_uri changes KMS location for all tracks or a given one. * to adress a track, use 'tkID=kms_uri' DRM file syntax for GPAC ISMACryp: File is XML and shall start with xml header File root is an "ISMACryp" element File is a list of "ISMACrypTrack" elements ISMACrypTrack attributes are TrackID ID of track to en/decrypt key AES-128 key formatted (hex string '0x'+32 chars) salt CTR IV salt key (64 bits) (hex string '0x'+16 chars) Encryption only attributes: Scheme_URI URI of scheme used KMS_URI URI of key management system * Note: 'self' writes key and salt in the file selectiveType selective encryption type - understood values are: "None" all samples encrypted (default) "RAP" only encrypts random access units "Non-RAP" only encrypts non-random access units "Rand" random selection is performed "X" Encrypts every first sample out of X (uint) "RandX" Encrypts one random sample out of X (uint) ipmpType IPMP Signaling Type: None, IPMP, IPMPX ipmpDescriptorID IPMP_Descriptor ID to use if IPMP(X) is used * If not set MP4Box will generate one for you **Suppported raw formats and file extensions Suppported raw formats and file extensions: NHNT .media .nhnt .info NHML .nhml (opt: .media .info) MPEG-1-2 Video .m1v .m2v MPEG-4 Video .cmp .m4v H263 Video .263 .h263 AVC/H264 Video .h264 .h26L .264 .26L JPEG Images .jpg .jpeg PNG Images .png MPEG 1-2 Audio .mp3, .m1a, .m2a ADTS-AAC Audio .aac AMR(WB) Audio .amr .awb EVRC Audio .evc SMV Audio .smv Supported containers and file extensions: AVI .avi MPEG-2 PS .mpg .mpeg .vob .vcd .svcd MPEG-2 TS .ts .m2t QCP .qcp OGG .ogg ISO-Media files no extension checking Supported text formats: SRT Subtitles .srt SUB Subtitles .sub GPAC Timed Text .ttxt QuickTime TeXML Text .xml (cf QT documentation) Supported Scene formats: MPEG-4 XMT-A .xmt .xmta .xmt.gz .xmta.gz MPEG-4 BT .bt .bt.gz VRML .wrl .wrl.gz X3D-XML .x3d .x3d.gz X3D-VRML .x3dv .x3dv.gz MacroMedia Flash .swf (very limitted import support only) **File Streamer Options File Streamer Options MP4Box can stream ISO files to RTP. The streamer currently doesn't support data carrouselling and will therefore not handle BIFS and OD streams properly. -rtp enables streamer -noloop disables looping when streaming -mpeg4 forces MPEG-4 ES Generic for all RTP streams -dst=IP IP destination (uni/multi-cast). Default: -port=PORT output port of the first stream. Default: 7000 -mtu=MTU path MTU for RTP packets. Default is 1450 bytes -ifce=IFCE IP address of the physical interface to use. Default: NULL (ANY) -ttl=TTL time to live for multicast packets. Default: 1 -sdp=Name file name of the generated SDP. Default: "session.sdp"

