

国際スケート連盟へ」(2009/04/03 (金) 20:43:48) の最新版変更点



&bold(){英文を送付する時には自分で文章を考えましょう。 同じ文面でスパムメール扱いされないように注意が必要です。} 「国別対抗戦のエキシビション(exhibitionであってる?)にキムヨナ選手を参加させないでください。 I refuse Yu-Na Kim to participate in exhibition match in World Team Trophy. ありもしない日本人選手を貶めるような発言をしたキムヨナ選手に日本の地を踏んでほしくありません。 Because of insulting comment to Japanese skaters by Yu-Na Kim , we cannot accept Yu-Na Kim comes to Japan. 韓国国民は未だに日本人選手が妨害したと思い込んでいて、日本人選手に嫌がらせをし続けている現状です Actually, Most of Koreans believe Yu-Na Kim's comment and continue to attack Japanses skaters by every means. このような状況が続く限りもうフィギュアを見るのは苦痛でしかありません Under such condition, figure skating is nothing more than pain for Japanese. もしキムヨナ選手が参加する事があるようなら、30年以上日本人選手を見続けてまいりましだがフィギュアスケートファンをやめさせて頂きます。 If Yu-Na Kim joins the exhibition match, to my regret, I have no other way but to leave figure skating though I loved it for 30 years or more. 我々の願いがISU様に届きますように」 My hope to extend to ISU.
&bold(){英文を送付する時には自分で文章を考えましょう。 同じ文面でスパムメール扱いされないように注意が必要です。} 「国別対抗戦のエキシビション(exhibitionであってる?)にキムヨナ選手を参加させないでください。 I refuse Yu-Na Kim to participate in exhibition match in World Team Trophy. ありもしない日本人選手を貶めるような発言をしたキムヨナ選手に日本の地を踏んでほしくありません。 Because of insulting comment to Japanese skaters by Yu-Na Kim , we cannot accept Yu-Na Kim comes to Japan. 韓国国民は未だに日本人選手が妨害したと思い込んでいて、日本人選手に嫌がらせをし続けている現状です Actually, Most of Koreans believe Yu-Na Kim's comment and continue to attack Japanses skaters by every means. このような状況が続く限りもうフィギュアを見るのは苦痛でしかありません Under such condition, figure skating is nothing more than pain for Japanese. もしキムヨナ選手が参加する事があるようなら、30年以上日本人選手を見続けてまいりましだがフィギュアスケートファンをやめさせて頂きます。 If Yu-Na Kim joins the exhibition match, to my regret, I have no other way but to leave figure skating though I loved it for 30 years or more. 我々の願いがISU様に届きますように」 My hope to extend to ISU. IOCとバンクーバー五輪事務局に送ったメール。 Dear Sir, and Madame I would like to inform IOC of very important thing about Figure Skating, Judging from conclution, in Single Figure Skating competition in Vancouver, corruption scandal by Canada and Korea will occur as same as Salt Lake one. From Salt Lake scandal , ISU introduce current New Judgement System. According to ISU, this new system is objective and fair, but accutually. it has ehough room to controll in arbitrary by some judges. As for Program Component Score(= PSC) , it depends on judges's subjectivities, Hence, in new judging system, Unfairness and Corruption can be done. In last few seasons, especially in ladies single. there has been many unfair judgements to Yu-Na Kim, who is Korean skater. ISU judges never apply ISU's sever penalty and deduction rule to Yu-Na Kim. Furthermore, unbelieavable high score is always givin to Yu-Na Kim even though she fales her some jumps and spins or the other elements. In latest Los Angels World Championship, we saw jaw-dropping and astonishing high score to Yu-Na Kim. ISU's above special treatment is given to not only Yu-Na Kim but aslo Jaonnie Rochette and Patrick Chan. Their common point is Canada,which is next winter Olympic place. Joannie Rochette and Patrick Chan are both Canadian and Yu-Na Kim'c chach is Canadian, named Brian Orser. We, Figure Skating Fans. are very tired of such unfairness. We would like IOC to investigate this matter, and if necessary, to remove Figure Skating from Olympic official event in order to avoid corruption scandal like Salt Lake. Again, I inform you that corruption scandal by Canada and Korea will occur in Vancouver Olympic if IOC does not give due warning to ISU. We, Japanese, will pressure Japanese official Olympic sponsor companies to leave official sponsor till ISU's rule becomes clean and fair to all skaters. I hope IOC's correct and prompt action on this matter. Thank you for your reading Sincerely yours.




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