「Testicular Pain」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Testicular Pain」(2007/01/10 (水) 12:37:24) の最新版変更点



<p>Case 14 testicular pain<br> <a href= "http://www.hmc.psu.edu/ume/fcmonline/case14/index.htm">http://www.hmc.psu.edu/ume/fcmonline/case14/index.htm</a></p> <p>1.救急に来る陰嚢、睾丸の痛み?<br> Acute:<br>   * acute epididymitis 精巣上体炎<br>   * orchitis 睾丸炎<br>   * testicular torsion 睾丸捻転<br>   * inguinal hernia 鼡径ヘルニア(大人は内)<br>   * trauma/testicular rupture/hematocele 外傷<br>   * folliculitis/sebaceous cyst 皮脂嚢胞<br> Subacute:<br>   * hydrocele 陰嚢水腫<br>   * varicocele 精索静脈瘤<br>   * spermatocele 精液瘤<br>   * hematocele 陰嚢血腫<br>   * cryptorchidism 停留睾丸<br>   * atrophy/dysgenesis/endocrinopathy<br>   * testicular cancer<br>   * fibrous plaques and cysts of tunica albigunea (actually quite common and entirely benign)<br>   * epididymal cyst<br> Less common:<br>   * squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum<br>   * malignant melanoma/basal cell<br>   * epididymal tumor/malignancy<br>   * Fournier's gangrene (necrotizing fascitis) 壊疽性筋膜炎</p> <p>Tips:陰嚢にできる扁平上皮癌と疫学。</p> <p>2.ありそうなのは?<br> 急性のもの!</p> <p> 陰部を見るときには癌のスクリーニングも忘れないようにしよう。</p> <p>3.何を聞く?<br> 感染の原因を探る。<br>   a. sexual history? does he use condoms? has he had multiple partners? ever had an STD? IV drug use? homosexual contact?<br>   b. contraception use? (this gives you an opportunity to reinforce the importance of contraception and disease prevention)<br>   c. any urinary or other associated symptoms? history of urinary tract infections?<br>   d. any history of trauma to the genitals or lower abdomen?<br>   e. any bowel problems? constipation, cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea?<br>   f. recent viral illness?<br>   g. any significant past medical/surgical history, especially related to genitourinary tract?; history of cryptorchidism?</p> <p>「ライター症候群」<br> [原因]感染性下痢疾患後に発症する流行型(Shigella Flexneri)と、性交後に発症する型(主にクラミジア)<br> [診断基準]<br> 1.  血清反応陰性の非対称関節炎(主として下肢関節)<br> 2.  次の項目の1つまたはそれ以上を満たす<br> a. 尿道炎<br> b. 赤痢<br> c. 炎症性眼疾患<br> 3.  除外項目<br> 強直性脊椎炎、乾癬性関節炎、その他のリウマチ性疾患<br> [治療]<br> 急性期にはNSAID<br> 治療抵抗性なら免疫抑制剤<br> [予後]<br> 3-40%では症状持続。他は半年たたずに自然治癒。</p> <p>4.診察<br>   *  general appearance<br>   * vital signs<br>   * abdominal exam<br>   * inguinal, perineum, lower extremity exam<br>   * genital exam</p> <p>5.どこを確かめる?<br>   1. testicles<br>   2. epididymis<br>   3. spermatic cord/vas deferens<br>   4. penis<br>   5. skin of penis, scrotum, and perineum 会陰<br>   6. external/internal inguinal ring and floor of inguinal canal<br> 陰部の診察は視診と触診。<br> 視診は、感染、外傷、皮膚の変化、腫瘤、萎縮、奇形。<br> 触診は、<br>   1. testicular descent (cryptorchidism) <br>   2. testicular size (&lt;3.5cm on long axis is small, consider hypogonadism)<br>   3. testicular shape, lumps/masses<br>   4. symmetry (remember left testicle usually sits lower and more posterior in relation to the right)<br>   5. testicular tenderness<br>   6. epididymis (located superior and posterior to testicle) size, tenderness, masses<br>   7. vas deferens (check for swelling, tenderness, masses) 輸精管<br>   8. scrotal skin versus intrascrotal masses/cysts<br> あと、Cremasteric reflex(挙睾筋反射)<br> 大腿内側面を上から下にピンでこすると同側の睾丸が挙上

