       <name>NIGHT STRIKER(ナイトストライカー)</name>
       <!--xml作成:nekoma、Machap -->
       <driver type = "dual68">taito</driver>
       <romlist archive = "nightstr">
           <rom type = "code" offset = "0x20000">B91-41.bin</rom>
           <rom type = "adpcma" offset = "0x000000">B91-13.bin</rom>
           <rom type = "adpcma" offset = "0x080000">B91-12.bin</rom>
           <rom type = "adpcmb" offset = "0x000000">B91-14.bin</rom>
           <title code = "0x00">[注1)一部の曲は0でキャンセルが必要]</title>
           <title code = "0x00">[注2)他のゲームに切りかえる場合は0で演奏を停止しなければエラーが出ます]</title>
           <title code = "0x1a">SE_COIN</title>
           <title code = "0x17">SE_start</title>
           <title code = "0x5e">OPENING</title>
           <title code = "0x2d">voice"Stand-by READY? GOOD LUCK!"</title>
           <title code = "0x3f">URBAN TRAIL [市街のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x22">SE_warning</title>
           <title code = "0x32">voice"Warning! Target approaching."</title>
           <title code = "0x46">BOSS 1</title>
           <title code = "0x4c">ROUND CLEAR</title>
           <title code = "0x3e">TRANCE PARLENT IN BLUE [郊外のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x47">BOSS 2</title>
           <title code = "0x43">BRAIN WORKER [地下工場のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x48">BOSS 3</title>
           <title code = "0x41">AQUARIUS [海上のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x40">FLY AWAY [上空のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x49">BOSS 4</title>
           <title code = "0x42">TERARIST [ビル街のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x4a">BOSS 5</title>
           <title code = "0x45">ma-gu-ri-vu [寺院のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x44">BURNING ROAD [地下道のテーマ]</title>
           <title code = "0x4b">BOSS 6</title>
           <title code = "0x3d">シ・メール [ENDING]</title>
           <title code = "0x3c">commune [NAME SET]</title>
           <title code = "0x2d">voice"Stand-by READY? GOOD LUCK!"</title>
           <title code = "0x32">voice"Warning! Targets approaching."</title>
           <title code = "0x2e">voice"Shield destroyed."</title>
           <title code = "0x2f">voice"Be careful! Only a few remaining shields."</title>
           <title code = "0x30">voice"Danger! Danger! You have lost your shields."</title>
           <title code = "0x31">voice"Out of control."</title>
           <title code = "0x33">voice"Secret program activated. Transformation begins."</title>
           <title code = "0x34">voice"The main engine is destroyed by fire. Escape and Good luck."</title>
           <title code = "0x35">voice"A supporting plain approaches. It will join you soon."</title>
           <title code = "0x36">voice"Right side has caught fire. Drop the outer Trim."</title>
           <title code = "0x37">voice"A booster unit approaches. Coupling will begin."</title>
           <title code = "0x38">voice"All gun barrels open!"</title>
           <title code = "0x39">voice"Congratulations!"</title>


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最終更新:2006年10月11日 01:48