       <name>RYUUKO NO KEN(龍虎の拳)</name>
       <!--xml作成:nekoma -->
       <driver type = "generic">neogeo</driver>
       <romlist archive = "aof">
           <rom type = "code" offset = "0x00000">044-m1.bin</rom>
           <rom type = "adpcm" offset = "0x000000">044-v2.bin</rom>
           <rom type = "adpcm" offset = "0x200000">044-v4.bin</rom>
           <title code = "0x5f">ネオジオロゴ</title>
           <title code = "0x29">龍虎のテーマ</title>
           <title code = "0x7f">コイン</title>
           <title code = "0x3a">200円ありがとう</title>
           <title code = "0x2b">どの子が欲しい、あの子が欲しい</title>
           <title code = "0x46">ようこそ藤堂の館へ</title>
           <title code = "0x21">ART OF FIGHT</title>
           <title code = "0x30">嗚呼日本へ帰りたい</title>
           <title code = "0x2e">ユリちゃん待っといてや</title>
           <title code = "0x22">マメマメマーメ</title>
           <title code = "0x31">不良にもメンツがあるんだ</title>
           <title code = "0x23">中国老人</title>
           <title code = "0x32">やっぱり歳には勝てんのう</title>
           <title code = "0x24">みちゃいやっ</title>
           <title code = "0x33">普通に戻りたい</title>
           <title code = "0x2d">BONUS GAME</title>
           <title code = "0x40">超必殺技伝授</title>
           <title code = "0x38">たたけ!たたけ!A</title>
           <title code = "0x39">たたけ!たたけ!B</title>
           <title code = "0x42">たたけ!たたけ!C</title>
           <title code = "0x44">たたけ!たたけ!D</title>
           <title code = "0x47">ようこそダウンタウンへ</title>
           <title code = "0x25">ごっつうええ感じ</title>
           <title code = "0x34">ごっつう良かったぁぁ</title>
           <title code = "0x26">航空ボカーン</title>
           <title code = "0x35">航空ドッカーン</title>
           <title code = "0x27">工場のブルームーン</title>
           <title code = "0x36">戦ってけがなし</title>
           <title code = "0x2c">あとちょっと</title>
           <title code = "0x28">ザ・天狗ショー</title>
           <title code = "0x37">できぬわっ</title>
           <title code = "0x2a">その人は私たちの子供かな?</title>
           <title code = "0x2f">ネェもう1回しよ</title>
           <title code = "0x41">???</title>
           <title code = "0xd4">VOICE "SCENE 1 ALTA?"</title>
           <title code = "0xd5">VOICE "SCENE 2 MAC's BAR"</title>
           <title code = "0xd6">VOICE "SCENE 3 CHAINA TOWN"</title>
           <title code = "0xd7">VOICE "SCENE 4 LA MORE"</title>
           <title code = "0xd8">VOICE "SCENE 5 DOWN TOWN"</title>
           <title code = "0xd9">VOICE "SCENE 6 THE GURDIAN"</title>
           <title code = "0xda">VOICE "SCENE 7 THE FACTORY"</title>
           <title code = "0xdb">VOICE "SCENE 8 THE KARATE GYM"</title>
           <title code = "0xdc">VOICE "ROUND 1"</title>
           <title code = "0xdd">VOICE "ROUND 2"</title>
           <title code = "0xde">VOICE "ROUND 3"</title>
           <title code = "0xdf">VOICE "ROUND 4"</title>
           <title code = "0xe0">VOICE "リョウ・サカザキ。さらわれた妹を探すため…"</title>
           <title code = "0xe1">VOICE "ロバート・ガルシア。リョウの親友、そしてライバル…"</title>
           <title code = "0xe2">VOICE "サウスタウンで彼らを待ちうけるものは…"</title>
           <title code = "0xe3">VOICE "ユリ!大丈夫か?心配したんだぞ"</title>
           <title code = "0xe4">VOICE "うん、私はなんともないの。お兄ちゃん、その人は…その人は私達の…"</title>
           <title code = "0xe6">VOICE "覇王翔孔拳を会得せん限り、お前がわしを倒すことなどできぬわ!"</title>
           <title code = "0xe7">VOICE "ユリ、必ず助け出してやる"</title>
           <title code = "0xe8">VOICE "まっといてやユリちゃん"</title>
           <title code = "0xe9">VOICE "なんてタフな奴だ!もっと技に磨きをかけなければ…"</title>
           <title code = "0xea">VOICE "まだまだ強い奴が出てきそうやな。しゃあない、稽古でもしよか"</title>
           <title code = "0xeb">VOICE "くそっ!もうこうなったら、そこら中で派手にやったる!"</title>
           <title code = "0xec">VOICE "軍の施設の中に居るってかぁ?ごつい黒幕でも居るんかいな"</title>
           <title code = "0xed">VOICE "どんな奴が出てこようが、俺の力で倒してやる!"</title>
           <title code = "0xcc">SE "クリーンヒット1"</title>
           <title code = "0xcd">SE "クリーンヒット2"</title>
           <title code = "0xc0">SE "ヒット1"</title>
           <title code = "0xc1">SE "ヒット2"</title>
           <title code = "0xc2">SE "ヒット3"</title>
           <title code = "0xc3">SE "ヒット4"</title>
           <title code = "0xc4">SE "ヒット5"</title>
           <title code = "0xc5">SE "ヒット6"</title>
           <title code = "0xc8">SE "ヒット7"</title>
           <title code = "0xc9">SE "ヒット8"</title>
           <title code = "0xca">SE "ヒット9"</title>
           <title code = "0xce">SE "覇王翔孔拳HIT"</title>
           <title code = "0xc6">SE "ガード1"</title>
           <title code = "0xc7">SE "ガード2"</title>
           <title code = "0xcb">SE "ガード3"</title>
           <title code = "0xd0">SE "ジャンプ"</title>
           <title code = "0xd1">SE "空振り1"</title>
           <title code = "0xd2">SE "空振り2"</title>
           <title code = "0xd3">SE "空振り3"</title>
           <title code = "0x43">SE "アイキャッチ"</title>
           <title code = "0x45">SE "アイキャッチ"</title>
           <title code = "0x60">SE "メニュー選択"</title>
           <title code = "0x61">SE "メニュー決定"</title>
           <title code = "0x68">SE "ボーナスカウント"</title>
           <title code = "0x69">SE1</title>
           <title code = "0x6a">SE2</title>
           <title code = "0x62">SE4</title>
           <title code = "0x65">SE3</title>


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最終更新:2007年02月18日 17:01