「VAMPIRE SAVIOR: THE LORD OF VAMPIRE(ヴァンパイアセイバー)」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

VAMPIRE SAVIOR: THE LORD OF VAMPIRE(ヴァンパイアセイバー)」(2007/03/03 (土) 20:11:16) の最新版変更点



<game> <name>VAMPIRE SAVIOR: THE LORD OF VAMPIRE(ヴァンパイアセイバー)</name> <!--xml作成:kikur、FM大王 --> <driver type = "cps2">capcom</driver> <options> <option name = "pcm_mix" value = "0x260"/> </options> <romlist archive = "vsav"> <rom type = "code" offset = "0x00000">vm3.01</rom> <rom type = "code" offset = "0x20000">vm3.02</rom> <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x000000">vm3.11m</rom> <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x400000">vm3.12m</rom> </romlist> <titlelist> <title code = "0x55">Q Sound Logo Main</title> <title code = "0x57">Dirty Beret</title> <title code = "0x01">Opening Title</title> <title code = "0x08">Ranking Display</title> <title code = "0x02">Player Select.1</title> <title code = "0x03">Player Select.2</title> <title code = "0x05">VS.</title> <title code = "0x09">FEAST OF THE DAMNED (Demitri's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x16">DEMITRI Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x26">DEMITRI Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x36">DEMITRI Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0F">VANITY PARADISE (LEI-LEI's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x22">LEI-LEI Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x32">LEI-LEI Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x42">LEI-LEI Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x46">Story Demo.1</title> <title code = "0x12">GREEN SCREAM (AULBATH and SUSQUATCH's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x1E">AULBATH Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2E">AULBATH Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3E">AULBATH Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x1F">SUSQUATCH Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2F">SUSQUATCH Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3F">SUSQUATCH Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0B">TOWER OF ARROGANCE (FELICIA's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x1C">FELICIA Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2C">FELICIA Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3C">FELICIA Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0E">ABARAYA.1 (BISHAMON's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x4E">Story Demo.2 (OBORO BISHAMON's Demo)</title> <title code = "0x4F">ABARAYA.2 (OBORO BISHAMON's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x1D">BISHAMON Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2D">BISHAMON Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3D">BISHAMON Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x10">WAR AGONY (LILITH's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x23">LILITH Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x33">LILITH Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x43">LILITH Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x15">BULLETA Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x25">BULLETA Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x35">BULLETA Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0D">DESERTED CHATEAU (MORRIGAN's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x1A">MORRIGAN Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2A">MORRIGAN Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3A">MORRIGAN Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0A">CONCRETE CAVE (BULLETA and GALLON's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x17">GALLON Winning Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x52">GALLON Winning Theme.2 (DARK GALLON's Winning Theme ?)</title> <title code = "0x27">GALLON Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x37">GALLON Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x04">Here Comes A New Challenger</title> <title code = "0x11">FOREVER TORMENT (VITOR and ZABEL's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x19">ZABEL Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x29">ZABEL Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x39">ZABEL Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x18">VICTOR Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x28">VICTOR Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x38">VICTOR Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x0C">RED THIRST (ANAKARIS's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x1B">ANAKARIS Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x2B">ANAKARIS Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x3B">ANAKARIS Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x13">IRON HORSE, IRON TERROR (Q-BEE's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x21">Q-BEE Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x31">Q-BEE Ending Theme</title> <title code = "0x47">Story Demo.3 (Last Boss's Demo)</title> <title code = "0x14">FETUS OF GOD (JEDAH's Theme)</title> <title code = "0x24">JEDAH Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x34">JEDAH Ending Theme.1</title> <title code = "0x44">JEDAH Ending Theme.2</title> <title code = "0x50">SHADOW Winning Theme</title> <title code = "0x51">SHADOW Ending Theme</title> <title code = "0x06">Continue</title> <title code = "0x07">Game Over</title> <title code = "0x45">Staff Roll</title> <title code = "0x53">Special Ending.1</title> <title code = "0x54">Special Ending.2</title> <title code = "0x56">Q Sound Logo Sub</title> </titlelist> </game>

