「THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD(ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド)」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD(ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド)」(2007/02/18 (日) 17:52:03) の最新版変更点



<game> <name>THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD(ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド)</name> <driver type = "model2a">sega</driver> <options> <option name = "pcm_mix" value = "0x100"/> <option name = "pcm_size" value = "0x800000"/> </options> <romlist archive = "hotd"> <rom type = "code" offset = "0x080000">epr-19720.31</rom> <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x000000">mpr-19721.32</rom> <rom type = "pcm" offset = "0x400000">mpr-19722.34</rom> </romlist> <titlelist> <title code = "0x00">THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD(ADVERTISE)</title> <title code = "0x01">The First Chapter-Tragedy 惨劇-(Stage 1 BGM)</title> <title code = "0x02">The Second Chapter-Revenge 復讐-(Stage 2 BGM)</title> <title code = "0x08">The Third Chapter-Truth 真実-(Stage 3 BGM)</title> <title code = "0x04">Enemy's(Stage 1~3 Boss BGM)</title> <title code = "0x0E">The Final Chapter-The house of the dead 終焉-(Stage 4 BGM)</title> <title code = "0x0A">Nativity of the Magician(Stage 5 Boss 登場)</title> <title code = "0x0B">Theme of the Magician(Stage 5 Boss)</title> <title code = "0x06">Ending Theme</title> <title code = "0x05">Stage clear</title> <title code = "0x03">Game over</title> <title code = "0x0D">Name Entry</title> <title code = "0x0A">Nativity of the Magician Full Ver</title> <title code = "0x0C">Theme of the Magician Ver.2</title> <title code = "0x07">CD未収録曲 1</title> <title code = "0x09">CD未収録曲 2</title> </titlelist> </game>

