
プラグイン/ニュース」(2009/05/12 (火) 14:40:31) の最新版変更点



* ニュース @wikiのwikiモードでは #news(興味のある単語) と入力することで、あるキーワードに関連するニュース一覧を表示することができます 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 =>http://atwiki.jp/guide/17_174_ja.html ----- たとえば、#news(wiki)と入力すると以下のように表示されます。 #news(wiki)
しかし、ペルディカスは彼の事業を自身でやり遂げることができると自信を持ち、背後に残された国には有能かつ忠実な守護者が必要でだと考えていたため、名目上は自身の管轄領へ、実際にはペオプトメムによって混乱へと投げ込まれたアルメニアの隣国を懐柔するために、エウメネスをシリシアから帰還させた。 聞くところによると、ネオプトレムスは見えや空虚なプライドの虜ではなかったもの、エウメネスは個人的な交わりを用いて彼を束縛しようとし、マケドニアの戦士たちが慢心し向こう見ずであることに気付き、寄付や貢物の義務を免除された騎兵と国の住民たちに彼らとの釣り合いとして騎兵軍団を組織した。 However, Perdiccas felt confident of carrying out his projects by himself, and thought that the country they had left behind them needed an efficient and faithful guardian, and therefore sent Eumenes back from Cilicia, ostensibly to his own satrapy, but really to reduce to obedience the adjacent country of Armenia, which had been thrown into confusion by Neoptolemus. Accordingly, although Neoptolemus was a victim of ostentation and empty pride, Eumenes tried to constrain him by personal intercourse ; then, finding that the Macedonian men-at‑war were conceited and bold, he raised a force of cavalry as a counterpoise to them by offering the natives of the country who were able to serve as horsemen immunity from contributions and tributes, and by distributing horses that he had bought among those of his followers in whom he placed most confidence; the spirits of these men, too, he incited by honours and gifts, and developed their bodies by exercise and discipline ; so that a part of the Macedonians were amazed, a part emboldened, when they saw that in a short time he had assembled about him no fewer than sixty-three hundred horsemen.

