
ゲーム内容及び特徴」(2008/10/16 (木) 21:31:07) の最新版変更点



>*ゲーム内容及び特徴 &italic(){※公式HPより抜粋} |&space()&space()Call of Duty®: World at War completely changes the rules of engagement by redefining WWII gaming and thrusting players into the final tension-filled, unforgiving battles against a new ferocious enemy in the most dangerous and suspenseful action ever seen in WWII.&br()&br()&space()&space()Powered by Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare technology, Call of Duty: World at War brings an uncensored edge to combat, as soldiers face the most harrowing and climatic European and Pacific battles in which an enemy, who knows no surrender and no retreat, will fight to the last breath, unleashing an arsenal of lethal surprising tactics. Peril and danger lurk throughout the battlefield as players combat the unknown risk of the new chaos of battle.&br()&br()&space()&space()From the remains of Russia and the ruins of Berlin, to the beach and jungles of the deadly Pacific Theater, the volatile action takes on added depth as players employ new features that previously were only-available in multiplayer, including perks, rankings and online stats in up-to full four-player cooperative gameplay. New infantry and vehicle-based weapons, like the potent flamethrower, bring the battlefield ablaze.| //和訳 //|Call of Duty®: World at Warは第二次世界大戦を再定義し,今までの第二次世界大戦で最も危険でサスペンスに満ちた凶暴な敵の出現によってプレイヤーを最高にハイテンションにさせることで交戦を完全に変えた.| ----
>*ゲーム内容及び特徴 &italic(){※公式HPより抜粋} |&space()&space()Call of Duty®: World at War completely changes the rules of engagement by redefining WWII gaming and thrusting players into the final tension-filled, unforgiving battles against a new ferocious enemy in the most dangerous and suspenseful action ever seen in WWII.&br()&br()&space()&space()Powered by Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare technology, Call of Duty: World at War brings an uncensored edge to combat, as soldiers face the most harrowing and climatic European and Pacific battles in which an enemy, who knows no surrender and no retreat, will fight to the last breath, unleashing an arsenal of lethal surprising tactics. Peril and danger lurk throughout the battlefield as players combat the unknown risk of the new chaos of battle.&br()&br()&space()&space()From the remains of Russia and the ruins of Berlin, to the beach and jungles of the deadly Pacific Theater, the volatile action takes on added depth as players employ new features that previously were only-available in multiplayer, including perks, rankings and online stats in up-to full four-player cooperative gameplay. New infantry and vehicle-based weapons, like the potent flamethrower, bring the battlefield ablaze.| //和訳 //|Call of Duty®: World at Warは第二次世界大戦を再定義し,今までの第二次世界大戦で最も危険でサスペンスに満ちた凶暴な敵の出現によってプレイヤーを最高にハイテンションにさせることで交戦を完全に変えた.| 登場陣営:アメリカ軍,ソビエト軍,ドイツ軍,日本軍 CoD4ベースのシステム 各国の武器が所属国にかかわらず装備可能 登場車両:戦車 >**オンライン 3連続キル:偵察機(敵の位置がレーダに映る) 5連続キル:支援砲撃 7連続キル:軍用犬を放つ(一定時間) ----

