H. V. Hilprecht

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***Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat -&bold(){BE} 1/1 = &bold(){Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur Part 1: Plates 1-35 and I-XV}, The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania Series A: Cuneiform Texts Vol. 1/Part 1, Philadelphia, 1893 (PDF available at [[ETANA>>http://www.etana.org/node/628]]) -&bold(){BE} 1/2 = &bold(){Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur Part 2: Plates 36-70 and XVI-XXX}, The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania Series A: Cuneiform Texts Vol. 1/Part 2, Philadelphia, 1896 (PDF available at [[ETANA>>http://www.etana.org/node/629]])
***Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat -&bold(){[[BE]]} 1/1 = &bold(){Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur} Part 1: &bold(){Plates 1-35 and I-XV}, The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania Series A: Cuneiform Texts Vol. 1/Part 1, Philadelphia, 1893 (PDF available at [[ETANA>>http://www.etana.org/node/628]]) -&bold(){[[BE]]} 1/2 = &bold(){Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur} Part 2: &bold(){Plates 36-70 and XVI-XXX}, The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania Series A: Cuneiform Texts Vol. 1/Part 2, Philadelphia, 1896 (PDF available at [[ETANA>>http://www.etana.org/node/629]])

