肌色のトーン:Skin tones

Consider the environment. The light is stronger outside, and the skin color tend to be less saturated due to the sky blue ambient light and sky blue speculars. Sometimes the skin color become shifted towards purple because of the sky blue being mixed in. This is especially true if the subject is standing in a shadow.


Indoors (no windows, only light bulbs) the light is warmer and allows skin saturation to be amped up to oranges and reds.


The shadow color of the skin can sometimes wander off to greens, especially if the room have green components, like wallpaper, plants, furniture.


In a white room or a bathroom the skin tones would be quite pale, closer to local colors and less contrasted (shadow/light) due to lots of ambience.


A room with a single strong light source will probably result in near black shadows.


...so, the type of environment your character is placed in very much affects how you should render it.


This page is translated from the original text. Original author is Arne Niklas Jansson - 2005 & 2007.

And this page is licensed under Creative Commons.

  • 校閲しました -- aki426 (2008-10-23 18:16:21)

最終更新:2008年10月24日 02:49


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