見どころ:Focus points

A painting is a hierarchy of important and less important details. If you're doing a pin-up the main figure and silhouette is the most important. In comics they often use a fat outline around the silhouette, whilst the less and less important details get thinner and thinner lines. When painting you do the same thing, but with brushstrokes instead! You use differences in hue, saturation, value, edges, sharpness, detail and composition to lead the viewer's eye towards the focus point of the painting.

絵は,重要な部分と,そう重要でもない部分の,いわばヒエラルキーで成り立っている.たとえばあなたがピンナップを描くときには,メインの人物と,そのシルエットが最も重要だといえる.マンガ表現では,太い輪郭線をシルエットの周りに描くが,一方,重要性が低いほかの細かいところは,それにあわせて薄ーい線にしていく.絵を描くときも全く同じことが言える.ペンの代わりにブラシストロークでもってやっているだけだ! 色相,彩度,明度,エッジ(ストロークの輪郭),鋭さ,ディテール,それらの構成を変え,見る人の目の動きをその絵の見どころ(focus point)へと導くようにする.

If you use the same rendering everywhere on the painting it will look flat. You can lead the eye toward important spots, but once the eye is there it needs something interesting to keep it there, like proper details. The amount of details on a spot should be proportional to the amount of time the eye stays there.


#ref error :画像を取得できませんでした。しばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください。
彩度/色 明度&コントラスト
エッジの方向 シャープネス

Attempt to isolate some of the techniques you can use to attract the eye.

Here's an example I made: (A) Important forms|(B) Textue|(C) Both

It can be very dangerous to get excited about rendering details, especially at an early stage. You can not render details the same way in the shadow as in the light. On the second one (B) I just rendered all the details to demonstrate how it can look if you just scribble down all the detail without thinking about the important forms (A). (C) is still a bit confusing but that's more of a construction issue. Side views can only get you so far, and the anatomy is pretty odd which makes it harder to read.


#ref error :画像を取得できませんでした。しばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください。

A is the form without detail, B is the detail and C is both. Be careful not to do too much B, the form has to read!
Aは何もディテールが無いフォルムだけの状態.BとCはディテールがある状態.Bのようになり過ぎないように注意! フォルムも読み取れるようにすべき.

This page is translated from the original text. Original author is Arne Niklas Jansson - 2005 & 2007.

And this page is licensed under Creative Commons.

  • 校閲しました -- aki426 (2008-10-23 19:17:16)

最終更新:2008年10月23日 19:17


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